Invitation to declare participation in the educational activity MASH-up n’ HEI Train the Trainer (TtT) activity

Feb 20, 2024 | Academic, Events

The Erasmus+ project MASH-up n’ HEI Multimodal Approach for Social-emotional learning in HEI is seeking participants!

Dates: May 29-30, 2024

In-person meeting at the Research and Study Center (KEME) of the University of Crete (Rethymno, Eb3 Room)

Total number of participants: ≤ 5 Participants per organization


The Erasmus+ project “MASH-up n’ HEI: Multimodal Approach for Social-emotional Learning in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)” invites participants to its Train the Trainer (TtT) educational activity. This initiative aims to develop and evaluate a comprehensive Social-emotional Learning (SEL) program that incorporates music and digital tools, specifically tailored for the student population, including those with learning difficulties. The project, led by a consortium from Cyprus, the Netherlands, Hungary, and Greece, underlines the importance of ensuring equitable access to education for marginalized groups within higher education.

A core mission of the project is to foster expertise among university professionals in delivering SEL to students and to raise awareness about the project outcomes both within and beyond the consortium member countries. The TtT workshop is a pivotal component of this mission, designed to:

  • Facilitate collaboration among participants from various organizations to further develop SEL in tertiary education.
  • Strengthen the role and value of SEL within academic training.
  • Enable participants to gain new insights into the use of music and digital tools for SEL and apply these within their institutions.
  • Promote best practices among consortium organizations.

We welcome around 15-20 participants from consortium organizations to get trained on the latest advancements in inclusive SEL education as outlined by the project’s deliverables. Eligible participants include academic faculty and professionals from university services, such as Student Counseling Centers and Career Services, capable of engaging in English. Selection may be based on additional criteria, like relevant experience, in case of numerous applications.

Participation is free, with the deadline for expressing interest set for March 15, 2024, at 23:59 Central European Time. Interested parties should apply through the provided online form [link to the form]. For more information, contacts are available for both Cyprus and Crete.

This project is funded by the Erasmus+ KA2 program of the European Union, reflecting the consortium’s commitment to enhancing SEL in higher education without necessarily mirroring the official views of the European Commission.

All interested parties must declare their participation by filling out the following online form in English:

Official site here

Find the invitation (in greek language) here


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