University of Crete Students Awarded in the “Nikos Analyst” Student Competition for Corporate Social Responsibility

Jun 5, 2024 | Awards, Students

Three undergraduate students from the University of Crete (Dimitrios-Christoforos Karagiannis, Department of Biology; Konstantinos Mountakis, Department of Physics; Emmanouil Papadogiannis, Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics) were awarded as one of the three winning teams in the 8th Student Competition for Corporate Social Responsibility “Nikos Analyst”, at the event held on Thursday, May 30, 2024, at the University of Piraeus.

The title of their paper was “Corporate Social Responsibility – The role of businesses in addressing environmental pollution from microplastics”.

This year, twenty-three teams participated in the competition, and each team had to choose one of the following essential topics: Employment/Working Conditions, Poverty/Human Rights, Climate Change, Production/Consumption. The students were asked to:

– Document how businesses affect or are affected by this issue.

– Propose feasible solutions for businesses to contribute to the prevention or/and addressing of the issue.

– Suggest how businesses can collaborate with each other and with other stakeholders for the best possible outcome.

The prizes for this year’s competition are:

– Paid internship for at least one month at a CSR HELLAS member company.

– Educational trip to Brussels & visits to the European Parliament.

– Laptops.

The students from the University of Crete were awarded by Ms. Alexandra Palli-Yiannakopoulou, President of the Board of Directors of CSR HELLAS, Mr. Alexandros Katsiampoulas, Vice President of the Board of Directors of CSR HELLAS, and Professor Odysseas Ioannis Zoras, Secretary General of Higher Education.

Congratulations to our students and best wishes for their future endeavors!


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