Greek HEIs and European Alliances: Opportunities and Challenges
June 18, 2024 | Co-organized by NTUA – NKUA
Event Hall, Administration Building, NTUA, Zografou Campus
As part of the effort to enhance dialogue about the institution of European University Alliances in Greece, the NTUA co-organized with NKUA the conference titled “Greek HEIs and European Alliances: Opportunities and Challenges” on June 18, 2024, in the Event Hall of the Administration Building at NTUA, Zografou Campus. The goal of the conference was to foster discussion among the 10 Greek Universities participating in European University Alliances from 2019 to the present, focusing on the opportunities and challenges they face, and to exchange views with the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports, YPAITHA, and the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education, ETHAAE, on addressing these issues and ensuring the sustainability of these European Universities.
The conference was honored by the presence of the General Secretary of Higher Education YPAITHA, Prof. Emeritus Odysseas-Ioannis Zoras, the General Director of ETHAAE, Dr. Christina Besta, the administration of the General Directorate of Higher Education of YPAITHA, and specifically the members of the newly established Department E for Liaison with European Higher Education Policy, emphasizing the significant importance the Greek State places on the strategic institution of the European University.
Attendees included rectors and representatives from 9 out of the 10 Greek HEIs involved in European University Alliances, specifically:
– The Rector, Prof. Ioannis Chatzigeorgiou, Vice-Rector, Assoc. Prof. Athanasios Zisis, and representatives of the National Technical University of Athens, partner of EULiST | NTUA
– The Rector, Prof. Michail Zervakis, Vice-Rector, Prof. Konstantinos-Alketas Ouggrinis, and representatives of the Technical University of Crete, EURECA-PRO | TUC
– The Vice-Rector, Prof. Sofia Papaioannou, and representatives of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, CIVIS | NKUA
– The Vice-Rector, Prof. Georgios Tzetzis, and representatives of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, EPICUR | AUTH
– The Vice-Rector of the University of Crete, Prof. Georgios Kosioris, INGENIUM | UOC
– The Vice-Rector, Prof. Spyros Karamanos, and representatives of the University of Thessaly, INVEST | UTH
– The Vice-Rector of the Hellenic Mediterranean University, Assoc. Prof. Konstantinos Petridis, ATHENA | HMU
– Representatives of the Agricultural University of Athens, EU-CONEXUS | AUA
– Representatives of the University of the Peloponnese, EUNICE | UOP