Presentation of the PG Programme in Forensic Medicine, Anthropology and Imaging – Invitation

Oct 10, 2024 | Academic, Announcements, Events, News

On behalf of the Medical School of the University of Crete and the Programme Director Elena Kranioti, Associate Professor of Forensic Medicine of the University of Crete,

we would like to invite you to our event for the presentation of the PG Programme in Forensic Medicine, Anthropology and Imaging, on Tuesday October 22th  2024 at 19:00 at Polykentro Neolaias at Heraklion City Center. The MSc Programme runs for the second year now and it has been succesful as to the international participation with >80% foreign students. The event will present for the first time the potential use of Virtual Reality for educational purposes in the field of Forensic Medicine. Attached the event poster and programme.

We hope you can join us!

There is possibility of attending online. Please register here:

To get to the venue:


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